TBLC offers member libraries group discounts on library supplies and electronic resources. Group purchases leverage the group’s buying power, resulting in better pricing for all participants. For additional information about these and other group purchase offers, or if you are a vendor seeking to offer a discount through TBLC, please contact Kelly Doty at 813-622-8252 or kelly@tblc.org.
Current Discounts
Creativebug is the easy-to-use, high-quality online art & craft education resource used by libraries around the world. Patrons have unlimited access to thousands of classes for every skill level: https://www.creativebug.com/libraries
TBLC member libraries can receive discounts up to 20% off the pricing based on service area.
Be sure to contact the representative below for that offer:
Meghan Haddad-Null
Senior Library Account Manager, Creativebug Library Program
779.220.0454 | meghan.haddad-null@
Library Chef
Now’s the perfect time to bring Library Chef to your community and start offering engaging culinary programs right away!
Be sure to contact the representative below for that offer:
PLAY Touch Table
AFTER-MOUSE.COM is partnering with TBLC to offer an exclusive, special discount to its members for the successful interactive PLAY touch table. The 32” PLAY table has been launched in over 250 libraries nationwide and features educational, multi-player games for all age groups, starting at age 3 to teenagers. Users choose from a portfolio of up to 21 multi-touch games and the table allows up to four players simultaneously. The table provides a unique experience that is collaborative and social. We have wonderful testimonials from many customers and would be happy to share them.
The PLAY table is anti-bacterial, durable, shockproof, waterproof and comes with a 3-year warranty. The touch screen is also branded with your library logo for no additional cost. The table sets up very easily in about 20 minutes. There are no ongoing licensing fees and you do not need internet access to run the games. It is a very low maintenance device.
The table is normally $6,100 plus $485 shipping and comes with 8 games that you choose from our 21. For a special offer to TBLC members we can offer a $250 table discount plus five free extra games (an additional $500 value) so each table starts with 13 games. The overall discount is $750 per table.
A short video of the PLAY table’s success: http://tinyurl.com/a9thu6sp
To take advantage of this limited time offer, please contact VP of Sales Tom Bannon at tom.bannon@after-mouse.com.