07 Aug

ESL Program Presentation

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Getting started with an English as a Second Language (ESL) program at your library does not have to be an intimidating commitment. You may offer [...]
16 Aug

VIP Conference 2024 - Together Towards Tomorrow

9:30 am - 3:30 pm
VIEW THE AGENDA HERE Please note: We are currently at capacity for this event. If you would like to be contacted if a space becomes [...]
20 Aug

Designing Quality Survey Questions

Surveys are revered for their ease of use and promise of reaching many, but we must be able to craft rich, concise, and focused questions [...]
27 Aug

Cricut for Beginners

9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Cricut is a brand of electronic cutting machines that allow users to draw and cut various materials precisely for various crafting projects, such as vinyl [...]
05 Sep

Situational Leadership: One Size Does Not Fit All!

9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Situational Leadership is a model for developing people. In simple terms, a situational leader is one who can adopt and apply different leadership styles depending [...]
12 Sep

Impostor Syndrome in Instruction Librarians: Impact and Solutions

Impostor syndrome is a form of anxiety characterized by lack of confidence in one's own knowledge and competence, the feeling that success is undeserved, and [...]
19 Sep

2024 TBLC Annual Membership Meeting

9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join us on Thursday, September 19 for the 2024 TBLC Annual Membership Meeting This will be a FREE event where our region's libraries can come [...]
24 Sep

Picture Books and Problem Solving: The Coding Connection

Can picture books teach coding concepts? Absolutely! In this session, we will take a look at multiple picture books that provide a segue into coding. [...]