We are TBLC Banner - Inspire, Create, Teach

Tampa Bay Library Consortium, Inc.

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TBLC Programs

Ask a Librarian Logo

Ask a Librarian

Ask a Librarian provides Florida residents with virtual reference service via live chat and text messaging.

Florida Statewide Delivery Service

Florida Library Delivery Service

Florida Library Delivery Service provides pickup and delivery of interlibrary loan materials among over 200 libraries in Florida.

Florida Library Webinars Logo

Florida Library Webinars

FLW offers continuing education to all Florida Library Staff through live webinars and a library of over 700 classes in Niche Academy.


Upcoming Regional Training

Regional CE offers in-person training, large-scale events and conferences, and web-based learning.

TBLC Member Services

Consulting Word Cloud

Consulting & Facilitation

TBLC provides consulting and facilitation to assist your library staff in planning, development, analysis, and good old-fashioned advice. 

File with the words Emergency Plans on a desk

Disaster Recovery

Following regional emergencies, TBLC will work to identify libraries and help libraries that have sustained damage, need assistance, or are closed. 

Woman carrying books in a library

Reciprocal Borrowing

Libraries that are members of TBLC’s reciprocal borrowing agreement agree to allow walk-in patrons to check out materials from any participating library.

Your source for learning

TBLC Stacked Logo

Upcoming Regional Training

Regional CE offers in-person training, large-scale events and conferences, and web-based learning.

Florida Library Webinars Logo

Florida Library Webinars

FLW offers continuing education to all Florida Library Staff through live webinars and a library of over 700 classes in Niche Academy.

Niche Academy Logo

Learning On-Demand

On-Demand learning through Niche Academy. This includes both self-paced learning courses and archived web training.