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TBLC has added a new *optional* feature to our workshop registration process.

In some libraries, supervisors or training coordinators may need to approve staff attendance at workshops. To do so, they may register the staff themselves, or the staff member might have to wait for approval before signing up.

Now, through our new *optional* registration approval process, staff can sign up for a class and secure a spot, and then his/her supervisor will be notified and can approve or decline the registration.

It works like this:

  • Library staff member John Smith completes the online registration form
  • If there are available spots at the time he registers, he secures a slot in the class
  • If there are no available spots, he gets his place in line on the Wait List
  • As soon as he completes registration, an email is sent to the supervisor or person designated to approve
  • The email notifies the approver that John Smith has registered for X class, and provides a link to the description of the class
  • It asks if the approver would like to approve or decline the registration and provides a link to click on for each process
  • If the approver approves the registration, everything will stay the same – John still has his slot in the class or on the Wait List
  • If the approver declines the registration, John will be removed from the class and will receive an email informing him that the approver has declined his registration and he has been removed from the class.
  • If the approver takes no action in response to the email, John retains his place in the class or on the Wait List

Sending registrations through the approval process is entirely up to you. This is institution-wide, so if you choose to do this it will apply to all staff members from your institution who register for workshops. 

If your institution decides that they would like to have registrations go through the approval process, then the person who approves the registrations just needs to email cannone@tblc.org and indicate that they want to use the approval process.  They should also include their email address and contact info. 

If at any time you decide you do not want to “approve” anymore, just let us know and we will change it to direct registration again for you.

New registration approval feature available for workshops
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